10 Feng Shui Tips To Spruce Up Your Office

“Feng Shui” (pronounced Feng Shwey) is an ancient Chinese art used to harmonize the flow of energy and create balance in our surroundings.
Your office is known to be the perfect area for inner growth, career pursuits and acquiring new skills. By improving Chi flow in this area you will expand your creative nature and intuitive abilities.
Nevertheless, an unbalanced Chi flow in your office can cause several disruptions in your life. You might feel the lack of creativity or concentration while working. Good News! You can restore balance and harmony to your office by using these Feng Shui tips! 

Symbolic Wall Art/Posters

Give your workspace a voice with an inspirational wall poster of your favorite quotes! Displaying motivational quotes is an increasingly popular trend in the workplace. Another trendy option for using wall quotes in your office is to display your mission statement or vision statement or a famous citation that illustrates the core of you or your business.

Green Your Office With Indoor Plants

A recent study has shown that indoor plants can boost productivity by 40% more and creativity by 45% more. Plants can also reduce fretfulness, fatigue, anger and even despair. Thus, indoor plants will make a major impact on how inspired and imaginative we can be.

Get Yourself a Stress Ball

According to Feng Shui and a recent study, a stress ball is another office must-have gadget that effectively reduces your anxiety by giving you the opportunity to let out the stress away.

 Let there be light, with a Lava Lamp

Let there be more light, with a mystical Lava lamp! A lava lamp will not only bring a softly lit ambiance to your workplace, but it also helps you feel more relaxed and inspired. There’s something about those blobs of vibrant wax leisurely moving up and down can really transport you in a state of trance. They are truly enthralling to look at and can really spruce up your office in a magical yet, effective way!

Arrange Your Books

Your personal office is the ideal location for your library. Keep all your educational books, literature, self-help and philosophy books as well as encyclopedias enclosed in a bookcase. Place your books in an accessible manner at the front of the shelves.

Boost The Earth Element 

Decorate your desk with ceramic vases, terracotta pots, porcelain figurines, a globe, and earthly tiles. Rectangular or square shaped accessories will also support the Earth element. Make sure you include images, paintings or pictures of mountains and heavy objects such as rocks and stones.

Adorn It with Crystals 

Crystals are the ultimate representation of the Earth element. Place or hang them in a way that would allow them to reflect the light from their edges.

Diplomas, Awards, Trophies

Display your diplomas, awards, trophies and educational/work achievements in the northeast corner of your space. Also keep pencils, pens, writing material and tablets, Ipad, laptop and software programs that are relevant to your studies in this area.

Hang Wooden Wind Chimes 

Wind chimes have a wonderful effect on the flow of creativity. If you hang one near your workspace, it will certainly induce your creativity and get that burst of genius. However, make sure it’s not made of metal.

Last but not least, there is a plethora of other Feng Shui tips and office gadgets that you might need in your workplace, subscribe to our newsletter, and be the first to know about our future posts!

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Chantal M:
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